Technological Trend Analysis (TTA)
This Technological Trend Analysis (TTA) was completed as a capstone project created as part of my IBM Data Analyst Professional Certificate, representing the ninth and final course to receive the identity-verified certificate and unique IBM digital badge credentials.
To complete this final data analytics report, I was tasked with researching and analyzing global technological trends through a variety of data sources including GitHub job postings and the Stack Overflow Developers Survey, while utilizing Python, Excel, SQL and IBM Watson Studio with Cognos.
Through the completion of this project, I was able to develop working knowledge of Python language for analyzing data using Python libraries like Pandas and Numpy, and invoke APIs and Web Services. Demonstrate proficiency in using spreadsheets and utilizing Excel to perform a variety of data analysis tasks like data wrangling and data mining; and describe the data ecosystem and compose queries to access data in cloud databases using SQL and Python from Jupyter notebooks. Concluding with the ability to create various charts and plots in Excel & work with IBM Cognos Analytics to build dashboards and visualize data using Python libraries like Matplotlib.
After thorough research and analysis, I completed a comprehensive report for global technological trends utilizing:
- Database Query
- Data Collection
- Data Sourcing
- Data Mining
- Python
- IBM Cognos
- Data Analytics
- Data Visualization
- Data Exploration
- Data Cleansing
- Dashboarding
Below is the completed report in PDF format, accompanying Cognos dashboard, course page and certificate.
TTA Presentation | Cognos Dashboard | Verify Certificate | Course Page
If you have any questions and would like to learn more about this or any project, are interested in networking, or ready to discuss why I should be your next analyst, please don’t hesitate to reach out directly through the contact form, by email at, by phone at (210) 272-7534, or let’s connect through LinkedIntoday. I look forward to hearing from you!
Kind regards,